Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Web assingment #4

Alfred Stieglitz was an american photographer who created the avant-garde, he was very inflental in his feild.

I choze this picture as my favorite one he did because i think it looks like someone tearing the skin off of their hands, and i imagine that this persons face looks manic and crazzed. I just like when people look crazy.

Alfred was in a relationship with Goergia o'keefe.
This is my favorite painting of hers because i think it looks like people laying on their sides next to each other.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

web assignment #3 madison broughton 1a

1. A brownie camara is a simple camara that was made out of cardboar and was the first form of  snap shot photography.

2. The brownie amara came out in 1900, created by Eastman Kodak.

3. It change societies way of documentation, because it was so cheap and acessable virtually everybody could take pictures. It changed the world of photography by making it esier to take pitcurs