Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Last Day

In photography this semester, I learned about the rule of thirds and I tried to use it in as many of my pictures that I could.

I learned that I am a hard-core procrastinator. And that is not a very good trait in photography when I have 36 photos due the next day.

One thing I wish we had done but what we did not do was more of the photoshop where we blended two people faces together. I really liked that and I think if we had time to do it again with our photos of friends or some other people it would have been a lot of fun.

My biggest struggle was the panoramas and the globe-ish pictures. I could not figure out how to do those for the life of me.

I (for the most part) conquered my hatred of having myself photographed. but I'm still not a fan of having a lens pointed at me.